Tag Archives: la fitness membership deals

Do you currently have a membership to a fitness club? If so, that’s a great start for your physical health! But the more important question is, do you use it?

I would love to know the statistics on the number of people who sign up for a gym membership with every intention of getting into shape and losing weight and then at some point in time afterwards losing the motivation to do so. Or falling back into their old habits. Regardless, they end up in a contract for a membership that they are no longer using, or even worse, not even in a contract but still getting charged a monthly fee.

I know many people like this personally. I can also attest to what happens every January at the gym I attend. Every January, I guess because it’s tied in with New Year’s Resolutions, attendance at my gym spikes up. There are all kinds of new faces there, people brimming with the anticipation of turning over a new leaf and shedding those unwanted pounds. January turns into February, and these faces slowly start to disappear. By the time Spring arrives, the gym is for the most part back to its same attendance level.

But how many of these people either signed a contract, or will still pay the monthly fee and never go? The easiest way to save money on your gym membership is just as the title states-use it or lose it! If you are paying for a membership, then go! Go to the gym! If you are paying for a membership and not going, then get out of it! Close your membership or find out when your contract is up and get out then.

I think the worst example are the people who have the membership, don’t use it, but when asked about it or when they themselves think about it use the lame rationalization that “I’m going to start going next week…or next month… or next whenever.” These fitness clubs must be getting rich off of these rationalizations.

Personally, I pay $35 per month for my gym membership. Of course, by trying to live my life as frugally as possible, I could easily give this up and save the $35. I could find a way to get my exercise outdoors in some fashion for free. However, I keep it for the following reasons:

–I view it as an investment. An investment in my physical health. This should lead to less medical bills and a longer life. Two things which can save me money or even make me money.

–My visits to the gym (4 times a week) I actually do on my lunch hour. I could not do outdoor exercise during this time unless I had somewhere to shower afterwards, which I don’t.

–Finally, as long as I stay on my schedule of four times per week, this works out to about $2.19 per visit to the gym. I spend 40 minutes there during each visit, which I think is a steal of a price. So, rather than being a waste of money, I look at it as a great deal!

If you currently have a gym membership and are not using it, you need to take a good long look in the mirror and decide…are you going to get up off your behind and honestly start using it? If so, then do it. If not, then cancel it. It’s as simple as that. If not, you’re just giving your money away every month, and not doing anything about health-a lose-lose situation if I ever heard one.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Bakke

Your average sports pavilion is often a general health problem ,la fitness membership deals it is a compound exercise equipment , fitness classes , personal training, physical therapy, massage , and even bars and sale detail. The owner must also manage gym membership sales , advertising and marketing ,la fitness membership deals billing and collection and maintenance along these service offerings. No wonder , then, that many managers and owners of sports looking to outsource various components of fitness activities trusted third party , including members of billing software , experts and managers of restaurants PT la fitness membership deals.

How many hats are you wearing?

The initial idea of selling part of the revenue of your business may make some owners are reluctant to establish with external suppliers . You put a lot of time, energy and money in your business . You’ve found the perfect place la fitness membership deals. You have purchased the latest state of the art equipment and a fitness facility with accredited professionals . You promoted his new gym in the community and has made many sales calls to attract new subscriptions la fitness membership deals.

You can probably identify some areas missing your efforts and abilities. Want to add PT room service, but no graduate degree . You want to simplify your billing membership , but you do not have the time to devote to this process la fitness membership deals. Want to add a snack and a juice bar , but you do not have the experience or the time to get operational . See how the list can go on and on ?

Providers can support the services that you may be too busy to handle. It may even help to add new , you have not had time to get off the ground la fitness membership deals. It also raises the profile of your facility with expert staff that enhance the experience of the members.

Make Easy billing software billing membership

The managers and owners to outsource the installation of common services is its billing and collection . Fitness can be a lot of difficult to handle on a daily billing la fitness membership deals. Whether new accessions , guest passes , the cost of personal training or Pilates sessions , billing can cause headaches for gym owners , managers and staff la fitness membership deals. The new software allows billing members will outsource their personal collections and back office to handle complex numbers and percentages associated with the billing gym . You should be careful in selecting the third-party provider , as they will interact with members on a more personal issue – money. Billing Software approach accession numbers ,la fitness membership deals but you still have to deal with their members.

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via weight loss solution http://weightlosssolution3.blogspot.com/2013/11/do-you-currently-have-membership-to.html